As I've gathered knowledge from a multitude of different sources, I've found that there are three main categories of facts that make my mind boggle, skin crawl, and heart ignite:

Sex ed leaves out gender equity

We need to teach girls to value their own enjoyment during sex, and to teach boys that society values them when they value girls' enjoyment.

  1. "Girls have all this modeling for being nice and polite and caring and compassionate about others' feelings. These are wonderful things — good characteristics. But because they're so ingrained, a lot of women think this is how they're supposed to be when faced with an unsafe situation, and they're afraid of being rude... So, it's kind of an 'aha' moment when they realize a guy who is pressuring and persuading and not stopping hen you say you don't want to do something is not respecting you our your boundaries — and at that point, you don't have to worry about hurting his feelings*." —* Dr. Lorelei Simpson Rowe, psychologist and researcher
  2. Young men who most internalize masculine norms are 6x more likely than others to report having sexually harassed girls and bullied other guys — Boys & Sex, Peggy Orenstein
  3. "Girls feigned climax because they were bored, they were tired, they were in pain, they wanted the night to end. They were often, like Megan, protecting their partners' egos, or fell pressured to be perceived as enjoying sex even if they weren't — especially since pleasure was presumably the whole point of a hookup. They also faked because they didn't, or couldn't, ask for what they wanted in bed." — Girls & Sex, Peggy Orenstein
  4. "Why are [men] allowed to touch [women] until we physically fight them off? Why is the door open until we physically have to slam it shut?" — Know My Name, Chanel Miller

To succeed in the workplace, women are taught to be like men

We need not to tell women to be different people, but a society that revalues women's contributions — to teach us to value ourselves as we are.

  1. "The more prevalent the idea of a gift was in any academic field, the fewer women and people of color were in that field." — Limitless Mind, Dr. Jo Boaler
  2. While all that most men seem to need in order to succeed in the workplace is a little bit of spunk, women must learn how to master the art of appearing both sure of themselves and modest. Unless women can temper their assertiveness with more stereotypically feminine traits like empathy and altruism, confidence will do little to advance their careers. — A Lack of Confidence Isn't What’s Holding Back Working Women, Stéphanie Thomson
  3. “Picture yourself as a stereotypical male” and other ways to improve your test scores ([MIT blog](“Picture yourself as a stereotypical male”))

Girlie-girl culture harms little girls

  1. "Young women who hold the most conventionally feminine beliefs — who avoid conflict and think they should be perpetually nice and pretty — are more likely to be depressed than others and less likely to use contraception" — Don't Call Me Princess, Peggy Orenstein
  2. " one study, researchers gave six- to ten-year-old girls dolls of varying sizes to play with. Afterward, the girls were offered some food to eat. The researchers found that the girls who played with thin dolls ate significantly less food than girls who played with average-sized dolls! Being cued to think about the idealized hyper-thin female body was, disturbingly, enough to prompt preadolescent girls to eat less." — The Princess Problem, Dr. Rebecca Hains (Anschutz & Engels, 2010)
  3. Boys learn "to use their bodies in skilled ways, and this gives them a good sense of their physical capacities and limits," while girls "hold themselves back from full, complete movement. Although it's usually something girls are unaware of, they actually learn to hamper their movements, developing a 'body timidity that increases with age." — The Frailty Myth, Collette Dowling
  4. "The number of girls taking up competitive archery more than doubled shortly after the simultaneous release of The Hunger Games and Pixar's Brave in 2012" — Geena Davis Unveils Partnership With Disney to "Spellcheck" Scripts for Gender Bias, Patrick Brzeski